About Us

I am LaMana Donadelle

Lead web developer for Bull City Web.

I am a Full-Stack Web Developer in North Carolina, who creates user-friendly web experiences for small businesses and entrepreneurs using (primarily) WordPress.

The ultimate goal of a website is to create brand awareness, increase brand recognition, and convert visitors into customers.

If done well, websites also level the playing field for the small business. It allows small, single-person operations to compete on the same level as Fortune 500 companies. To do this, a website must communicate professionalism, reliability, and trust. It must be able to effectively communicate what the business has to offer, in a more compelling way than the other companies. This is what I’ve been helping clients do for over 20 years.

Why WordPress

WordPress is a Content Management System (CMS). The advantage of a CMS is that it separates the content from the design and all of the technical stuff. A CMS makes it faster and easier for business owners to manage their content, allowing them to save time and money while keeping their website up to date.

WordPress is the most popular CMS with over 60% of websites on board. Note that GoDaddy Website Builder, Squarespace, and Wix only have a 3% market share or less.

Since WordPress is open-source software, which means that you “own” your website. This means that you may move your website to any hosting company you prefer.

In addition, WordPress has several out-of-the-box plugins that will greatly extend the features and functionality of your website, WooCommerce, being one example.

My Design Process

  • Meet with client to define the scope of the project
  • Develop a timeline
  • Gather requirements and content
  • Develop a concept for the site including site map, style guide, and layout
  • Build a draft of the site, and review with client.
  • Add content to the site
  • Tweak site, review with client
  • Launch site